Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Boxer’

Please contact Senator Cornyn

March 31, 2009

Please contact him now, while he is fighting the newest budget proposals, while he is in the spotlight, while he is at the head of the table, and open to suggestions on how to fix this mess.

Here is my appeal I faxed his DC office this morning (if you would like to contact him via email, through his site, etc…please go here:

I also attached the quoted statistics, and evidence included in my appeal, please do the same,


Senator Cornyn:

Washington DC

517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-2934
Fax: 202-228-2856

Senator Cornyn;

Thank you for your recent calls to attention in regards to funding issues.

Throughout the past twenty years, the feminist agenda is not what it was intended at one time. I am female, I enjoy my rights, I would love equality, rather than coddling. I would love it if men had the same rights as some women who are now abusing the system, propagating lies on the House and Senate floors, and railroading the public as to what females are now “subjected” to as a victim class, or subjugated class of individuals.

In the recent stimulus package, a great deal of funding once against goes directly to battered women programs, shelters, and other special interests, when in reality we have prisons to prevent assault, abuse, and subjugation of any gender. Since the inception of VAWA, we have quashed men’s rights to be free from false allegations, false imprisonment, father’s rights to be constitutionally protected to parent their children…the male gender is now as oppressed if not more than the female gender used to be, in turn creating a complete shift of policy.

I know this is not the norm, that is presented today via the media, and other Senate members, namely Barbara Boxer, whom continually feels the need to provide the House and Senate with outdated statistics on violence against women and children, whom uses POLLING to make a point, and uses mythical presentations from Domestic Violence Surveys (which are sent to DV shelters, and other programs for women only) These surveys do not include a control group of the general populous of the United States, and currently not even the Incidence Based Reporting System used by the Department of Justice is able to give us a concrete number as to how many men and women are abused each year, mainly because men do not report their partners for abuse, some women do not report abuse, and it is rarer still for fathers to report child abuse in regards to their own children, because of the one sided courts that listen to this type of propaganda.

I have been a Victim/Advocate for eight years and running, and during this time I too was blinded by the feminist propaganda at one time, until I started doing the research myself. According to the Department of Health and Human Services it is mothers who kill their children most often, biological fathers are the least likely to kill their own children. According to the Department of Juvenile Justice, in 1998 they too found that there was a disparity between female perpetrators of abuse, and murder of children, and actual criminalization via arrest and adjudication. There is a distinct double standard, and somehow it needs to be fixed. Men and children are falling through the cracks in a system designed in good faith to help women, who in turn are abusing it.

Forty years ago we did not see women falsely accusing a partner of sexual abuse of children, because we had “fault” laws in divorce…once the no fault divorce came to the table, and men and women were given equal access to divorce, and children, false allegations grew at a significant rate, although criminal prosecutions for this offense are still quite rare, and instead these women are given a slap on the hand, and men are still being seen as the villain under all circumstances.

I implore you to present all TRUTHFUL statistics, to the appropriate individuals, I will not point you to a men’s rights, or father’s rights forum, and I implore you not to get them from Battered Women shelters, rather I implore you to instead go to the government, our government, known and true statistics on what is actually happening. For the last twenty years, women have been the main perpetrators of child murder (mainly mothers), the main perpetrators of child abuse (mainly mothers, boyfriends, friends, babysitters) and biological fathers are the LEAST LIKELY to perpetrate either scenario.

The United States, as it stands, one nation, has been fear mongering men and fathers into their cars, living under bridges, in the streets, sleeping in parks…our men, our protectors, our proud.

We are driving our own men, away from families, and we can all see who is coming in to replace them, unmarried couples, most likely to hurt children, young boyfriends who do not want children, lesbian women who do not want children…Everyone is under the impression that the breakdown of the marriage in our country is because of deadbeat Dads, Fathers who want nothing to do with their children, and yet our courts are congested sometimes two years out, because these same fathers are asking, begging, pleading for the right to parent, and wanting nothing more than to not be just a pocketbook. Go to the Census Bureau, our own, upon the last Census, statistically MOTHERS are also the main deadbeat parent, even though they have lower obligations, and men rarely get custody of children.

If you want to see more double standards, go to the FBI, check out the most wanted perpetrators of parental kidnapping, then go to the missing kids website, there are thousands more women that are not on the list, although children have a right to a father in their lives, and supposedly under the Constitution of the United States of America, men have the right to parent.

We are faltering, because of current policy dictated by a purely matriarchal society, and without fixing it, without quashing the special interests, and with funding everything ten times over that they ask for, we will simply cease to be America, the majority of our debt is caused by this type of behavior, we are going to see more and more, as fathers RUN from families, they are sick and tired of being ousted, vilified, falsely accused, and used as a paycheck, they want to parent, they fight hard to parent, but a person can only take so much.

Human life is at risk, and historically you and I can look back on Rome, and see the very same thing happening here…Men were removed then too, they fought, they then sought companionship outside of a family relationship, while women were subjugated by others at home, the men were ousted, destroying that society too.

I no longer feel we live in a Democratic society, although I am not inclined to think we are Marxists, or even turning toward Socialism, I firmly believe that without change, we will once again live as a Fiefdom, without men, and women as a family unit, removing the men, subjugating women through welfare, and
other special interests and social services, leaving them chattel of each state, we run the risk of destroying society as a whole.

Please gather true statistics, and call others out if they are pulling them out of the air as they have been. I have tried for years and years, and it just simply falls on deaf ears, but we are about to lose everything our Country holds dear, simply by catering to a few, without looking at the whole picture, our America, and all its citizens.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter:

Tami Pepperman

Victim/Child Advocate

3651 Solokar Rd

Loon Lake, WA 99148

phone 509-937-2478



Parental Alienation/Hostile Aggressive Parenting

August 14, 2008

Parental alienation and hostile aggressive parenting are a group of behaviors, much like “grooming” often seen in pedophilia cases. These behaviors are designed to alienate a child from one parent, by the other parent, most likely to occur during high conflict divorce and custody cases.

These behaviors can be verbal or non-verbal, physical or non-physical and mimic “grooming”, “honeymooning” during stockholm syndrome, etc.

The perpetrating parent, feels entitled normally to the children. She claims possession, simply by defending her actions with the fact that she gave birth to the child/children thereby justifying her abuse of the child/children involved.

Alienating mothers appear needy and clingy, and use terminology such as “mine” “my child” etc…Many times the alienated parent is not termed “dad” “daddy”, but rather seen and considered by the child/children involved as his first name. Alienating mothers create distance from the other parent, by not allowing photographs, or other memory indicitive items to be in “her” home, where the children reside in most cases. All signs of the father are removed to help create and promote this alienation.

Alienating mothers share information regarding child support, paid or unpaid with even the youngest of children, and it is a good indication for child protection and law enforcement when a five year old or younger speaks of child support, and or alimony during forensic investigations regarding false allegations, which so often occur during the process of parental alienation and hostile aggressive parenting.

Alienating mothers thwart any and all contact. Many times using the courts to garner restraining orders, during false allegations. These mothers will thwart contact via telephone, via internet, third parties, and physical visitation, by making false allegations to child protection and or law enforcement.

Alienating mothers use the child/children involved as pawns to gain something. Gain can be anything from financial gain to emotional gain, by beating the system, beating the ex, having control in every aspect of a child’s or father’s life. These women consider their own needs first and foremost, and nothing will stop them from seeking what they want. Many of these women have constant drama which is a key element of the grooming process, thereby making the child/children involved more of the “parent” in this type of situation.

Parental alienation and hostile aggressive parenting have several unique signs and red flags to look out for during allegations of abuse during divorce and custody procedings. Please note that not all cases are the same, however, the signs of parental alienation and hostile aggressive parenting can also mimic what used to be seen as “over-protective” parenting, or “protection”.

  • brainwashing
  • character asassination
  • the false inducement of fear
  • incitement of shame,
  • using children to commit relational aggression against the target parent,
  • loss of self control,
  • flareups of anger,
  • unconscious alliances with the children against the target parent.
  • deliberate denigration of the children’s relationship with the target parent.

When interviewing a potential child victim of parental alienation or hostile aggressive parenting, several things should be monitored carefully.

Does the child have an actual basis of fear, regarding the target parent? Does the child make identical claims of abuse, as the mother, although the child cannot add to her claims?

Does the child fear the other parent will harm them WITHOUT giving indication that abuse has occurred?

Does the child involved bolster mothers claims of abuse, or is the child reiterating verbatum what mom has coached the child to say?

Are witnesses brought in months or years later to bolster mothers claims of abuse?

Did mom report to authorities when the abuse is alleged to have happened, or is mom claiming abuse happened months or years ago and is just now coming forward during the divorce or custody case?

Do the child’s school reports/daycare reports, hospital, medical records indicate that mom’s claims have some bearing on what she alleges, or do they contradict what mom is claiming?

Full investigation is the only weapon against this form of child abuse. Investigations must not be limited to only allegations, but must include the father, school, doctor, daycare, and any other person that knows the child and parents involved in these high conflict situations.

Please also note that ALL abusers have the ability to strip victims of friends and family, this should be part of any investigation into abuse of children. Male victims often do not have witnesses due to the fact that their abuser, already alienated friends and family throughout the relationship. Female abusers, often play the victim throughout a relationship, being able to have witnesses when the need comes, although no evidence exists as far as abuse is concerned, but female perpetrators, leave the verbal impression that abuse has been occuring by lying to friends and family. This is one of the most common traits in all abuse cases, and should be investigated fully. When interviewing “witnesses” of females claiming abuse, the witness should be asked direct questions regarding actually seeing abuse, or witnessing injury first hand, rather than being told about it at a later date, when mom wants to bolster her claims without evidence that such abuse ever occurred.

Tami Pepperman

Victim/Child Advocate

3651 Solokar Rd.

Loon Lake, WA 99148

