Posts Tagged ‘DV shelter’

Absolute Authority

June 23, 2010

You, already live in reality, truth, relativity. There are times when you just know you are right but you doubt your self. You are most likely right. You are the one experiencing, witnessing right now, here.

You have been chained up, locked in the proverbial box, provided by the very entity that put the fence around your authority. The very same entity that tells you, that to speak or act with authority on any thing, they must grant you license, for a small or large fee, depending on how much authority and voice you want to pay for.

You are taught that your voice is small without such license, regardless of your intellect or mastery…

It is time, to know your self. Walk, with the authority that an owner has NO AUTHORITY to grant or give you, because it is already here, in the present. You are irritated, anxious, depressed, exhausted, sleep deprived, and usually feel as if you have been railroaded, or struck by a truck, because with the licenses you are actually asking them to allow you the right, or freedom to be who or what you already are, rather than “allowing” you to simply be…because if you realize your AUTHORITY, you are a threat.

The male, has been destructed, broken like a twig to conform to this new Politically Correct reality that is NOT REAL, it is NOT TRUTH. This is the action of effeminizing, and rather than having the once instinctual ability to stand up on your own two feet, and protect, using the FIGHT response that is already yours…an entity has cast doubt on your ability, false flagged you, fear mongered you, falsely accused via mythical statistics, to insure that they are given a free pass to own the women and children in this society.

Grasp YOUR authority, it is time to realize the self, take YOUR SELF back out of the box, out of the chains, and fix this, before all of humanity falls to this PC design. Take the effeminized male under your wing if he is able to be reached (part of the Indoctrination is to create an EN-titled male, one which must have definition to BE some one or some thing, most of you have been exposed to the female version of this, and the psychopathy created is THE worst danger to society. When en-titled, this type of psychopath is in constant competition, seeking affirmation, seeking attention, and if given option will prey upon the people around him or her that they feel are threats to their definition, or whatever they are entitled to (mainly children, and venerable adults). If the PC product around you is a threat to family, or community, gather with community and remove them, as to take away their ability to harm.

No more oppression, under the mandated PC Policy, lovingly holding us all in constant conflict, doubt, depression (depression is caused usually when you feel stuck, generally, it is NOT any person around you, nor relationship, or family dynamic…it is the constant suppression of your self, the regulations that corral you inside “invisible fences” created by the “good boy/good girl syndrome”)…who are you being good for? Politics, requires product that is malleable, in a constant state of fear, or a constant state of helplessness, allowing you, the product the illusion of “choice” whilst so owned, and subjected to every atrocity you are indoctrinated to believe is in your/your family’s/your child’s best interest…

We have five senses…use them. One of the greatest rule of thumb when you are acting as to the self, reality, and relativity is : “if it hurts, don’t do that” and yet, time after time, whilst being sodomized by those that stifle, PC product tends to react with an, “ouch”, a shake of the head, the thought “this can’t happen in my _____”, denial of what YOU just witnessed, and a return to the very entity that caused the pain in the first place…


Your authority, your ability, your intellect, your reality, is the cure for most ills of todays society, but because there are no benefit in cures, but all ills, pains, and broken human beings are such great benefit to those that profit, you have been taught to actually believe that your reality is really not reality.

So what is it?

You just witnessed it.

You are in it now.

You are not watching this play out from afar, you really did see and hear what you just saw and heard…and if you reacted appropriately then pat your self on the back.

But if you had to make sure that you had no hang nails, that the hair in your nose is not peeking out, or that the stain on your shirt from the brie en croute is far too noticeable not to simply turn the thing inside out, prior to saving the lady down the street whose house is up in flames, I suggest, as your sister, and one who has been here nine years, beside you as you were destructed by Politics, then turned inside out to insure that the stitch marks don’t show from where they put your tag (usually states your country of origin, and how many years you need to pay taxes to pay back the municipal bonds taken out in your name, just prior to the bond instrument being filed with the IMF, with the most love from the bottom of my heart…if you are effeminized…GET TO THE BACK OF THE BUS, because REAL MEN are about to take the reigns back from the idiots that have been dirtying up these streets, turning our boys into girls, our girls into boys, our families into criminal elements via removal of DADDY, and pregnant teen mothers (created by the very same “phenomena” Politics RELIES on and CONDONES) who continue to help this cyclical pattern be the best form of Production the world has ever known.

STEP UP, or get out of the way!

I am sick and tired of day in and day out of constant destruction, children broken before they are able to find the self, mothers dying and not being found for MONTHS because once taught entitlement, they played the game until the children aged out, then turned around, and found they were expendable too…it is the children that generate the big bucks, the fight that redistributes all the personal/family wealth…(mommy may be under the illusion of specialization created by the political tool of feminism, but she is evicted from this, the moment the children are emancipated, and out of Title IV-D)…

The criminalization created in YOUR male children, when YOU are removed, is not an accident, it is actually a form of Child Capitol…and once groomed to the perfect PC psychopath, effeminized by single mother households, and female oriented public schooling-Indoctrination, become, but one portion of a Production method, that currently rules ONE-THIRD of the United States GDP value (1/3 or thirty three percent of the ENTIRE U.S. value is in our COURTS, and PRISON systems)

IF YOU do not stand, WHO WILL?

This would have been filled with Stan’s coined “QUISLING”, but I believe he should put a patent on that one, and make shirts to sell to the effeminate males, in nail salons where the metro-sexual can buy a new Title, to pander to En-titlement that actually suits this newly designed PC human.

I am not Politically Correct, I am a human being. My opinion may not match yours, and in your PC reality, this means maybe that you out-rank me in number, and I should be shut up for being so abrasive, and possibly hurting some feelings. I cry every single day for the children YOU are destructing by consent, funding, and your direct inaction, as you wait on some knight in shining armor in the form of the emasculated female that is your PC equivalent to your type and design of human.

We were here first. We outrank you in that we are the original product, and not the plastic psychopathic version You’ve had about twenty years, whilst we have had at least four million, to BE perfect before the modification to create you found greater revenue in a retarded version of us. No one asked me if I would consent to a half assed version of my self, or my brethren, and I see no warning label on your forehead that indicates warnings as to your level of entitlement, jealousy, impulsivity, rage, or your actual danger to society because of your defective nature.

Stay away from me, until you are either tuned up and made right, prevented from reproducing more of your kind, recalled by your maker or otherwise deemed by those of us in Authority that you are not longer a threat to OUR reality, our society, our community, or our families.

I will not force you into homelessness, as you have thousands of PC courthouses to live in that were created by your hand, and the funds you generously consented to on not only yours, but my behalf and that of my children, while your “leaders” such as Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, John Cornyn, and Gloria Alred, happily “represented” all of us citizens to the detriment of humanity, with big bright eyes each time a new bill was passed to insure YOUR KIND would continue to produce by fleecing the rest of us…

I will no longer provide you with a free ride, therefore you will have to learn to fend for your self, and if you get cold, there is a massive amount of about to be recalled Product design in your model-serial number, located in the House and Senate that you can have your way with, as under OUR Constitution, they work for “we the people” therefore we are conceding slightly and volunteering them to cater to you, sans the funds they tend to pocket when our backs are turned, and you are whining so loud you distract us from real issues.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, if you have any questions or concerns, I suggest you try the UN Human Rights Commission, or your local Human Resource Department as both will provide you with your accustomed Averment process that will gladly take your money, give you shiny promises, and allow you to bask in the glory created to make you, the PC human feel elite, without ever prompting you to realize you were just sodomized, quite efficiently, and with the Political Correctness of Professionals, regulated by the American Bar Association.

Domestic Violence Against Men Awareness Month

June 1, 2010

June, Domestic Violence Against Men Awareness Month

So often, the male of our species has been displaced, replaced, sidelined to the fringe of society, never to be a statistic, unless it is conducive to Policy and design, an afterthought, using aforethought and planning to vilify all men, all boys, in the Hegel “game” of revenue creation using such fallacy as VAWA, and the term Feminism, which is only but a Political tool of gender division and conquest…

Quietly puppeted, in shadows, alone, silently and seemingly forsaken by all, when in actuality Domestic Violence Against men is so pervasive as to shatter the illusion IN statistics by merely the action of be-ing, creating a relativity that cannot be denied, doubted, or ignored by other human beings.

Sadly, we all know such a male victim. We rarely know of a female victim, because in reality, they are not there…female victims of domestic violence cannot be denied, as they do exist, however, they do not exist as per the illusion of VAWA, or the presentation through Hegemony, in fallacy and created statistics using trending compilation “studies” (via social media, people SPEAK of certain keywords “female victim, rape, male perpetrator, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Shelter”, therefore based on generated “hits” a Consensus Reality is created for the populous, regurgitated through Politically driven media, to insure that Federal Funds are constant.

I can say with certainty that male victims of domestic violence will never see such grand funding programs, shelters, centers, and laws that will otherwise protect them from the onslaught of domestic violence. I can also say with certainty that neither do, nor have female victims of domestic violence, because this system, this Political design is not intended to help anyone.

Six thousand dollars, per month, per female victim of domestic violence is allotted via Federal Funds (a tax base, already paid into by “we the people” through variant taxes, fees, and other scams perpetrated against each and every Citizen)…FIVE HUNDRED dollars, per month, per female victim actually reaches a victim of domestic violence.

We ask why? Where does this money go?

We all wonder why, if assault is already illegal, why there is need for such a thing as VAWA…males themselves, ask why other males are not standing up for the rights of female victims, for children, not realizing that most males are exactly the same, they do stand up, however, there are not that many female/child victims.

What VAWA does is pinpoint Policy, directing funds, where they are most beneficial to Political design. First, and foremost, the reason for VAWA itself, and the reason that VAWA dropped assault in the second degree, down to assault in the FOURTH degree (dropping assault from a Felony, down to a Misdemeanor)is due to that Six grand in funding, which can only go out to the Prosecuting Attorney/District Attorney if there is a crime of domestic violence…therefore, most assault crimes, are going to be delegated under the VAWA standard, since everyone needs to have their hands in the pot during this most critical time of “victimization” (by whom?).

This six grand, consented to by the People themselves, to insure the safety of all victims everywhere, especially women and children. We protect our own.

Most often, that six grand goes no further, due to mandatory arrest laws, and pieces of paper known as restraining orders, all that has to happen now is the Prosecution of the alleged perpetrator of abuse…IF this is real, there is no protection to the victim, because this is now fourth degree, and misdemeanor assault, and the victim will be further victimized by “catch and release” and be protected by nothing other than a piece of paper.

If this is a false allegation, that is okay too, because with loads of coercion brought on by the Prosecution and any entity acting on their behalf, sometimes in the form of intimidation using various tactics, such as Child Protection, and the court itself, the falsely accused usually ends up pleading or entering “no contest” just to finally be able to breath again.

Most females are not using the shelter system that is set up, because they do not need them, and they already know they are safer on the outside, than to be initiated Inside of one of the most horrific places on the face of this earth. Female perpetrated rape of other females is epidemic within the shelter system, but heck, they could probably afford to combat such an issue if the Prosecuting Attorney were more forthright with the funds they are pilfering.

I ask you all, again this year to recognize male victims of domestic violence, share with them that they are not alone, be a shoulder to cry on, be a warm hug or a soft, soothing voice during their time of need, as usually they are not only victims of domestic violence at the hands of a once beloved, they are most likely falsely accused of this very crime, without solace, no where to turn, nowhere to go, vilified and sidelined to the fringes of society.

Realize that only we can stop this, by stripping away the funding and the fallacy of VAWA, questioning your legislatures when they proffer up their false and misleading statistics, asking your community members to rely and adhere to their own relativity which is the ONLY authority that should be known, since this IS actuality, truth, and the REAL presentation of the ultimate statistical source.

Continue to fight against the onslaught of Hegemony against our men, and fathers battered, false flagged, and so often falsely accused. Continue to stand up for males in such circumstance, and realize that one day, via such enlightenment our voice will be heard, as one.

And always remember, the Domestic Violence SURVEY is exactly as it appears on its face…a survey, sent ONLY to domestic violence SHELTERS…there are currently THREE DV shelters specific to male victims in the United States, and each and every year, when you hear those words ring out across the Hegemonic media “One in four females are victims of domestic violence”…and you feel the urge to do something to STOP such a horrifying thing from occurring…remember, “one in four females AT A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTER, are victims of domestic violence…and MALES AND FEMALES are EQUALLY victims of domestic violence each and every year….

I was going to present a bunch of statistics, but I will simply place the links to them for others to read at their leisure, as they are quite interesting, and of course, none of them are conducive to Politics, and will not garner funds for either males or females, since sadly, they only contain TRUTH.


Martin S. Fiebert
Department of Psychology
California State University, Long Beach

Last updated: November 2009

Adams, D. 1992. “Biology Does Not Make Men More Aggressive than Women” in Of

Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression (K. Bjorkvist and P. Niemela, eds).

San Diego: Academic Publishers

Brott, A. “The Battered Statistic Syndrome” in The Washington Post, July.

Brush, L. 1990. “Violent Acts and Injurious Outcomes in Married Couples:

Methodological Issues in the Survey of Families and Households” in Gender & Society

4(1), pp. 56-67.

Bureau of Justice Statistics. 1998. “Violence by Intimates: Analysis of Data on Crimes by

Current or Former Spouses, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends” NCJ-167237. Washington, DC:

U.S. Department of Justice, March. http://www.ojp.usdoj/gov/bjs/abstract/vi.htm

Edelson, J. and M. Brygger. 1986. “Gender Differences in Reporting of Battering

Incidences” in Family Relations, 35, pp. 377-382.

Headey, B. D. Scott and D. de Vaus. 1999. “Domestic Violence in Australia: Are Men

and Women Equally Violent?” Australian Social Monitor, 2(3), July.

1988. “The Truth About Domestic Violence Revisited: A Reply to

Saunders, Social Work, 33 (2), pp.184-188.

and C. Mann, 1990. “Violence is a Human Issue,” in Journal of Interpersonal

Violence, 17(4), pp. 129-132